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High School
General Education And Training (Grade 8 - 9)

Creative Arts

Broad Experience In The Arts

Creative Arts is offered in the GET Phase, as a preparation for specialization, in the FET Phase, in Music, Visual Arts, or Dramatic Arts. Our aim is to deepen creative sensitivity in learners and to provide them with an opportunity to find their artistic strengths.

Everyone Has Talent

Artistic talent is latent in everyone, in varying degrees. It blossoms in the presence of perseverance, passion, and determination. Any learner who is drawn to the Arts and is prepared to put in the required effort should consider this subject choice.

GET Phase Notes


Learners may choose either isiXhosa or Afrikaans as their First Additional Language.


We offer tuition in 3 Arts, and learners choose 2 of these upon which to focus.

Brief notes on the subjects offered at Hudson Park in the Further Education and Training Phase can be accessed via the menu below.


Hudson Park is fortunate to have staffing and resources to support the Arts listed below. Please click the links for further information.

Image showing learners

Time Allocation

Each week, 2 periods are allocated to each of the Arts, and this ensures that there is time to deal with both the development of practical skills, such as learning to play a musical instrument, and theoretical work.