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High School
General Education And Training (Grade 8 - 9)

Life Orientation


Life Orientation is an extremely useful subject that provides learners with insights, knowledge, and skills which help them to understand themselves and the world around them. It deals with career guidance, study methods, social and environmental issues, constitutional rights, personal development, and physical education. It is laden with real-life application and will serve learners, no matter what their path might be.

Assistance And Guidance

Where necessary, our teachers help students to set up their study timetables. Career advice and other guidance is also offered, as needed.

GET Phase Notes


Learners may choose either isiXhosa or Afrikaans as their First Additional Language.


We offer tuition in 3 Arts, and learners choose 2 of these upon which to focus.

Brief notes on the subjects offered at Hudson Park in the Further Education and Training Phase can be accessed via the menu below.

Image showing learners

Personal Development

The aim of Life Orientation is to equip learners with tools and knowledge that will enable them to become well-rounded individuals.

The subject is wide-ranging in its content. Its benefits extend into many areas, and learners widen their horizons as they engage with the work. They particularly enjoy the personal development and career planning projects.

Assignments are designed to allow learners to express their individuality. It leads them to develop problem solving skills and to approach challenges in positive ways.