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High School
Future Education And Training (Grade 8 - 9)

Consumer Studies


Consumer Studies is very relevant to us in everyday life, since it involves issues which directly affect everyone. The subject explores consumerism, entrepreneurship, and the choices available to us with regard to food and nutrition, clothing, and homemaking.

Our Aims

Some emphasis is placed on food production, and learners apply the theory they learn in food practicals every second week. We teach them how to create quality products that are marketable and help them to acquire entrepreneurial skills. Learners also conduct market research.

FET Phase Notes


These subjects are compulsory for all learners. They should choose one FAL (First Additional Language) and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, for a total of 4 core subjects.


One subject should be chosen from each group, for a total of 3 elective subjects.


Learners have many opportunities to improve their skills and compete with others. These include the annual CONSUMER STUDIES OLYMPIAD. The Olympiad tests the theoretical and the practical skill of learners, and the overall winner in 2010 was a Hudson Park pupil. In 2013, our school was the runner-up, and the top pupil was a Hudsonian.

Image showing learners

Career Planning

Careers in nutrition, housing, consumerism, clothing, entrepreneurship, and food production may begin with a study of this subject at school. Learners will also be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to start a micro-enterprise.

Image showing learners


We have a special classroom, with an adjoining pantry, dedicated to Consumer Studies. It is equipped with stoves, microwave ovens, fridges, sinks with running water, and flat work surfaces. It is also stocked with a wide range of cooking utensils for the use of learners.

Image showing learners