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High School
Future Education And Training (Grade 8 - 9)

Dramatic Arts

Creative Expression

Drama provides learners with a creative outlet and a wonderful platform for their talents. It empowers them also with many skills that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

Talent Meets Opportunity

The school receives many accolades for the work done by its Drama Department, thanks to a happy combination of talented students, dedicated staff, and an excellent infra-structure. It has many well-equipped facilities - including the Gibson Kente Theatre - which are suitable for use as either practice or presentation venues. Classes are small, and every learner is given personal support and attention.

Hudson Park has won the Provincial Interschool Play Festival 3 times and has twice been runner-up.

FET Phase Notes


These subjects are compulsory for all learners. They should choose one FAL (First Additional Language) and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, for a total of 4 core subjects.


One subject should be chosen from each group, for a total of 3 elective subjects.

Image showing learners

Technical Development

The ability to communicate effectively is developed through acting, improvisation, and the study of various technical aspects, such as voice production and the art of delivery.

Personal Growth

The subject is wide-ranging in its content. Its benefits The activities associated with this subject reinforce self-confidence and encourage learners to empathize with others. A general awareness is built up around factors which motivate, stimulate, entertain, and otherwise affect people in their daily lives.