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High School
Future Education And Training (Grade 8 - 9)



Geography is enormously relevant in all areas of our lives, and geographical skills and considerations are associated with a great many of the decisions we make on a daily basis.

What Learners Gain

Geography students will acquire and use a multitude of skills. Some of these are subject-specific, while others are critical thinking skills such as knowing, inferring, analyzing, judging, hypothesizing, generalizing, predicting, problem-solving, and decision-making.

FET Phase Notes


These subjects are compulsory for all learners. They should choose one FAL (First Additional Language) and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, for a total of 4 core subjects.


One subject should be chosen from each group, for a total of 3 elective subjects.

Geography's Reach

The subject has a bearing on:

  • Personal decisions on where to live and work, how to get to a friend's house, and where to shop, holiday, or go to school.
  • Community decisions related to pollution and environmental issues, and the placement of industries, schools, and residential areas.
  • Business and government decisions ranging from the placement of a supermarket or an airport, to issues around trade, zoning, politics, foreign affairs, and economic policy.


Many career choices are open to Geography graduates, and having excelled in this subject at school may be an advantage for students seeking acceptance at tertiary institutions. Geography professionals include cartographers, commercial or residential surveyors, environmental consultants, geographical information systems officers, planning and development surveyors, secondary school teachers, and town planners.

A degree in Geography might also be useful to international aid or development officers, landscape architects, logistics and distribution managers, market researchers, nature conservation officers, tourism officers, and transport planners.


Students learn to work with modern tools and technologies associated with Geography, such as:

  • Satellite-produced images, graphs, sketches, diagrams, and photographs.
  • The GIS (Geographic Information System).
  • GPS (Global Positioning System), digital globes, and interactive online maps.
Image showing learners


To succeed in this subject, learners should have an aptitude for drawing and strong English language skills. They also must be hard-working and keen to take on the challenge of thinking creatively and producing original work.