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High School
Further Education And Training (Grade 10 - 12)



History is the study of change and development in society. Knowing about History enables us to understand and evaluate how the past impacts the present and influences the future.


A study of History builds the capacity of people to make informed choices in order to contribute constructively to society and advance democracy.

As a vehicle of personal empowerment, it promotes in learners an understanding of human agency, teaching them that they have choices, and can make choices which will change the world for the better.

FET Phase Notes


These subjects are compulsory for all learners. They should choose one FAL (First Additional Language) and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, for a total of 4 core subjects.


One subject should be chosen from each group, for a total of 3 elective subjects.

Processes And Skills

History promotes non-discrimination, raises debates, confronts issues, and builds capacity in individuals to address current social and environmental concerns.

Image showing learners


A list of professionals for whom the study of History is vital includes teachers, lecturers, researchers, archivists, archaeologists, historians, biographers, journalists, librarians, museum curators, public relations officials, diplomats, and lawyers.